Customized Solutions
We develop different kinds of customized projects. From interactive wall constructions to custom made sizes of EnergyWheels with special graphic designs!
a custom made energywheel for the childrens trafic playground in helsinge
This ‘Traffic wheel’ has a special graphic, that fits right in with the children's traffic playground in Helsinge! We can customize graphics on any of our products, that gives your specific project the right aesthetics.
A cutom made windmill for the vindtved cabin in Sæd-Udbjerg
In this project we build our hardware and software into the backwall and designed a windmill, so that the user can turn the windmill and generate power. The power is used to tell a story about the windmills history in Sæd-Ubjerg in danish, english and german.
gorm the old
This installation stands at ‘Kongernes Jelling’ museum and welcomes the guests. This installation activates when the user turns Gorm the Old’s shield and brings him back to life. With a custom made story, he tells about him self and about the museum. With the button you can change between danish, english and german. The installation can easily be moved around and the audio be changed for specific exhibitions at the museum!